Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sanukiya Udon Katsuo 讃岐屋うどん

Bought some Sanukiya Udon this time. It was on sale for 2 bucks. More than last time, but oh well.

So this is Shirakiku Brand again. Last time, I tried their somen. There's Katsuo on the lable. I guess that's the flavor? Let's see what's inside.

There's the noticeably thicker udon noodles. The brownish liquid pack there is the soup base this time, rather than the usual powder. Also include are dried flakes and bonito.

Here's what was in the dried flakes pack.

The instructions were a bit different this time. It said to put the noodles and the liquid base into the bowl. Add hot water and microwave for 3 minutes. The flakes and bonito were to be added as the last step.

When I put the udon noodles into the bowl, it retained the shape that it had while in the package. So, unfortunately, I had to break it up so that it would fit under the water line.

Well, this tasted pretty good. The noodles were smooth. I think I found one or two pieces of naruto that I didn't notice before. But the serving size is depressingly lacking, especially when compared to the size of the bowl. It's like buying a bag of chips and having it only 33% full.

Top Ramen Shrimp Flavor

Tried some Top Ramen Shrimp Flavor.

Here's what came inside (minus the dish). 

The standard block of ramen and flavor pack. I noticed the hole in the flavor pack a bit late. I didn't put it there. Hmm...

Have a closer look at the noodles. You might be able to see some particles.

After following the instructions (Boil 2 cups water, Cook noodles 3 minutes, Remove from heat, add seasoning from flavor pack) the taste test began.

The noodle texture was grainy, almost sandy. Supposedly there was wheat in the noodles, but in any case it wasn't smooth. The flavor was shrimpy, and it had a creaminess to it. Over all it was pretty bleh. The grainy noodles definitely did not help.